It would be the last normal Thursday for a couple of weeks. We had our good friends King Size on the Bud Light Stage. Ruskin, Cam, and Brannon are seasoned vets and real pros in the music biz. The breadth of their playlists combined with great energy and stage presence always brings smiles to the crowd. There is something about the guys just rocking out a song from Green Day, with Cam kicking cymbals and Ruskin's hair majestically waving about, being followed with Ruskin's genuinely soft and kind "thank you." that makes you aware of the symbiosis of appreciation between bands and spectators. If you've ever gotten a Cam hug garnished with his big smile after a show, you know there is no doubt they love performing and are so grateful to be able to do it.
If you haven't, you should get one - they're awesome.
These were King Size sets. They covered Tears for Fears, Billy Joel, and the Foo Fighters. The Beatles, Tom Petty, and LIT. John Denver, Alice in Chains, and Hall and Oats. These sets had it all. It had songs for everyone and songs for guys who obviously love every kind of music. There are fun little nuances in the covers that folks may not pick up, but if you do, they are rewarding little easter eggs. Ruskin might be hitting some harmonics on a Green Day song you didn't expect or Cam is in an extra groovy bass riff that the original songwriters should have thought of first because it just made the song a King Size version.

If you get the see Ruskin, Cam, and Brannon playing anywhere with anyone, you should always check them out. In fact, you have another opportunity to see Brannon at Amp this year with The Experiment and the I-20 Horns on October 24th.
I'm not sure whether it was foreshadowing or the soundtrack for the next couple weeks, but the next Thursday we got hit with a King Size storm - Hurricane Helene. I've bragged week after week how Mother Nature has been such a fan of music, and then she betrayed us. I hate the week, days, moments leading up to the decision to cancel an Amp. Its nerve wracking. Everybody thinks you're and idiot when you cancel and the weather turns out not so bad, or even worse good. I think Helene broke me of that, I wish the weather had turned out to be nothing to worry about after all. But it was.
We canceled the inaugural performances of Low Country Locals and OGR because of this storm. That's crazy to type out - We canceled TWO WEEKS of music because of 1 storm. If you get the chance give them a follow on social and keep an eye our for future shows from them. From that Friday on, however, we've had a King Size showing from emergency workers, linemen, and community all pitching in to help one another.
It's taken me longer to put this blog out because of the uncertainty of where everything was at, not to mention my own loss of power out in the boondocks! As I'm typing this I'm hoping that we are still good for Trae Pierce and The T-Stones. So I'll pause here and keep typing when I hear more.
Ironically they will be here possibly escaping a massive storm in Florida. The world is a funny place sometimes. So let's be sure to give them a huge welcome and support from our community. You can give them abundant support by catching them a second time Friday when they play Southbound North Augusta at 8pm.

Check Out The Gallery
This Week on the Bud Light Stage - Trae Pierce and the T-Stones

Grammy Award-winning artist and bass player, Trae Pierce is leading a wild new musical experience known as Trae Pierce & the T-Stones (TPTS). From his Florida home, this bass “monster” has hand-picked a vibrant young group of musicians with limitless energy and extreme talent, and together they have been tearing up dance floors throughout the United States with a genre-blending twist of rock rhythms that bring out the best in every beat. Defined by hard-edged rock mixed with hip-hop and pop, Trae Pierce & the T-Stones have developed a high-energy live show with a modern feel that recalls the unstoppable grooves of HipHopRockabillyFunk! - [https://tstonelive.com/]
Trae Pierce and the T-Stones cover "In The Air Tonight"
I don't know about you, but this cover has got me excited for these guys to visit us from Florida.
Our Partnered Businesses
I think we are getting close to normal, and for now, all of The Alley businesses are up and running with power. Be patient with all of the employees, some of them are still showing up to work excited to be in a building with lights and air conditioning. The hubs are re-opening but there are still folks who are weeks out from getting power. Whiskey Alley and Southbound Smokehouse lost power again over the weekend and risked losing the product they had just restocked from the original outages. Just a reminder - Amp is about community. Be kind to one another.
Lady's Night

The Red Door will be hosting a Ladies Night on Oct 24. Ladies will be treated to some complimentary sake and an appetizer. Get your girlfriends together, enjoy some authentic Asian cuisine and sake, then go out dancing at Amp the Alley, followed by DJ Charlie at Electric Eats, or Karaoke with Kyla at Southbound Smokehouse.
This is an epic night for the ladies!